Wednesday, July 23, 2014

The Walk

I have been focusing my efforts on my kids. I have always wanted to be a better mom but wasn’t sure which way I needed to go in order to do this. Did I need to be stricter? Did I need to get them more slack? Did they need me to fix every fight? Did I need to back off and let them resolve it? Sometimes it is really hard to know what the “right” thing is so I felt a sort of lost in the parenting world, not knowing which choice was the right one, worried I was ruining my children by not parenting them correctly. These quotes have been so helpful to me to know what to do. I didn’t need to focus on the daily things as much but to step back and focus on the feeling in the house. We were living together but we weren’t really a family it felt like we coexisted. The quote that helped me the most was from Sister Lynda S. Reeves. She said, “The only things that really need to be accomplished in the home are daily scripture study and prayer and weekly family home evening.” I wasn’t starting their days off right. We weren’t praying as a family or holding regular family home evenings. I decided to focus my efforts on this and so far it has helped my children listen more, fight less, laugh more, enjoy and content just being around each other. They are still kids and they still do fight but it is a step in the right direction and it is a huge answer to pray. The crazy thing is the answer was so easy, but I was looking so hard for a more complicated fix I didn’t even notice the solution that was staring me in the face. We have tried holding daily scripture study and prayer in the morning and at night. We are more consistent when we do it at night but I find it is more beneficial when we do it in the morning. It is harder to coordinate and requires more effort but it is more than worth it to have less contention and more love during the day. I am so grateful for this experience and will continue to do this with my young family. This is such a perfect time in their lives to get in the habit of daily scripture study and prayer so it will be a habit when they are older, so I’m grateful for the timing. I enjoyed doing this challenge.


“How applicable is Alexander Pope’s classic “Essay on Man”:
Vice is a monster of so frightful mien
As to be hated needs but to be seen;
Yet seen too oft, familiar with her face,
We first endure, then pity, then embrace.”
~President Thomas S. Monson, “Pornography, The Deadly Carrier”, quoting Alexander Pope, July 2001 Ensign,

“Parents, the days are long past when regular, active participation in Church meetings and programs, though essential, can fulfill your sacred responsibility to teach your children to live moral, righteous lives and walk uprightly before the Lord. With President Monson’s announcement this morning, it is essential that this be faithfully accomplished in homes which are places of refuge where kindness, forgiveness, truth, and righteousness prevail. Parents must have the courage to filter or monitor Internet access, television, movies, and music. Parents must have the courage to say no, defend truth, and bear powerful testimony. Your children need to know that you have faith in the Savior, love your Heavenly Father, and sustain the leaders of the Church. Spiritual maturity must flourish in our homes.”
                ~Elder Quentin L. Cook, “Can Ye Feel So Now?” October 2012 General Conference,

“As we encounter that evil carrier, the pornography beetle, let our battle standard and that of our communities be taken from that famous ensign of early America, “Don’t tread on me.”
                ~President Thomas S. Monson, “Pornography, The Deadly Carrier”, July 2001 Ensign,

Brothers and sisters, how do we protect our children and youth? Filters are useful tools, but the greatest filter in the world, the only one that will ultimately work, is the personal internal filter that comes from a deep and abiding testimony of our Heavenly Fathers love and our Saviors atoning sacrifice for each one of us. How do we lead our children to deep conversion and to access our Saviors Atonement? I love the prophet Nephis declaration of what his people did to fortify the youth of his day: We talk of Christ, we rejoice in Christ, we preach of Christ, [and] we prophesy of Christ  that our children may know to what source they may look for a remission of their sins.
                ~Sister Linda S. Reeves “Protection from Pornography-aChrist-Focused Home” April 2014 General Conference,

“Pornographic or erotic stories and pictures are worse than filthy or polluted food. The body has defenses to rid itself of unwholesome food. With a few fatal exceptions, bad food will only make you sick but do no permanent harm. In contrast, a person who feasts upon filthy stories or pornographic or erotic pictures and literature records them in this marvelous retrieval system we call a brain. The brain won’t vomit back filth. Once recorded, it will always remain subject to recall, flashing its perverted images across your mind and drawing you away from the wholesome things in life.”
~Elder Dallin H. Oaks “Pornography” April 2005 General Conference,

“We must also act to protect those we love. Parents install alarms to warn if their household is threatened by smoke or carbon monoxide. We should also install protections against spiritual threats, protections like filters on Internet connections and locating access so others can see what is being viewed. And we should build the spiritual strength of our families by loving relationships, family prayer, and scripture study.”     
 ~Elder Dallin H. Oaks “Pornography” April 2005 General Conference,

“The young man I mentioned earnestly asked if the Apostles knew how early in life teaching and protecting against pornography and impure thoughts should start. With emphasis, he stated that in some areas even before youth graduate from Primary is not too early.”
                ~Elder Quentin L. Cook, “Can Ye Feel So Now?” October 2012 General Conference,

“We as parents and leaders need to counsel with our children and youth on an ongoing basis, listening with love and understanding. They need to know the dangers of pornography and how it overtakes lives, causing loss of the Spirit, distorted feelings, deceit, damaged relationships, loss of self-control, and nearly total consumption of time, thought, and energy.”
                ~Sister Linda S. Reeves “Protection from Pornography-aChrist-Focused Home” April 2014 General Conference,

“Parents, are we aware that mobile devices with Internet capacity, not computers, are the biggest culprit?”
                ~Sister Linda S. Reeves “Protection from Pornography-aChrist-Focused Home” April 2014 General Conference,
“Research has also shown that frequent use of pornography can lead to obsessive behaviors and can rewire the brain to capture a person in the prison of addiction.”
                ~Elder M. Russell Ballard “Be Still and Know That I am God” May 2014 CES Devotional,
“Another aspect of pornography is that it is generally a “secret” activity. Users often hide their use or at least minimize their use from everyone, including their romantic partners and spouses. Studies have found that when people engage in this type of self-concealment—when they do things they are not proud of and keep those things a secret from their family members and friends—it not only hurts their relationships and leaves them feeling lonely but also makes them more vulnerable to depression, anxiety, and poor self-esteem. Keeping secrets damages trust.”
                ~Elder M. Russell Ballard “Be Still and Know That I am God” May 2014 CES Devotional,

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|My Feelings|

This is something that has scared me ever since my first daughter was born. I am so afraid of my kids being exposed to pornography or being in danger of being hurt by someone addicted to it, whether it be physically or emotionally. I know this can corrupt a person to their very soul. Then I realized I was living by fear, and not faith. If I abide by this counsel then they will be armed with knowledge, truth, and faith. If I do what is asked of me then we will be protected by the spirit and will have the help of Heavenly Father along the way. I know this world is evil today but that doesn’t mean we can be armed and ready for it. 


 “Motherhood is not a hobby, it is a calling. You do not collect children because you find them cuter than stamps. It is not something to do if you can squeeze the time in. It is what God gave you time for.”
~Elder Neil A. Andersen “Children”, October 2011 General Conference, quoting Rachel Jankovic, “Motherhood Is a Calling (and Where Your Children Rank),” July 14, 2011,

To you noble women, our Heavenly Father knows your prayers and desires. How grateful we are for your remarkable influence, including reaching out with loving arms to children who need your faith and strength.
                ~Elder Neil A. Andersen, “Children”, October 2011 General Conference,

“ As Apostles of the Lord Jesus Christ, we have the responsibility to teach our Creator’s plan for His children and to warn of the consequences of disregarding His commandments.”
                ~Elder Neil A. Andersen, “Spiritual Whirlwinds”, April 2014 General Conference,

“Follow more diligently His example and His commandments. Embrace more deeply His love, His mercy and grace, and the powerful gifts of His Atonement. As you do, I promise you that you will see the whirlwinds for what they are—tests, temptations, distractions, or challenges to help you grow.”
                ~Elder Neil A. Andersen, “Spiritual Whirlwinds”, April 2014 General Conference,
“A woman’s moral influence is nowhere more powerfully felt or more beneficially employed than in the home. There is no better setting for rearing the rising generation than the traditional family, where a father and a mother work in harmony to provide for, teach, and nurture their children.”
                ~Elder D. Todd Christofferson, “The Moral Force of Women October 2013

“In all events, a mother can exert an influence unequaled by any other person in any other relationship. By the power of her example and teaching, her sons learn to respect womanhood and to incorporate discipline and high moral standards in their own lives. Her daughters learn to cultivate their own virtue and to stand up for what is right, again and again, however unpopular. A mother’s love and high expectations lead her children to act responsibly without excuses, to be serious about education and personal development, and to make ongoing contributions to the well-being of all around them.”
                ~Elder D. Todd Christofferson, “The Moral Force of Women October 2013

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“Giving them confidence in your love can help them develop faith in God’s love.”
                ~Elder Richard G. Scott “I Have Given You an Example” April 2014 General Conference,

“ The most powerful teaching of children is by the example of their parents. “
                ~Elder Dallin H. Oaks “Protect the Children” October 2012 General Conference,

“Children are highly vulnerable. They have little or no power to protect or provide for themselves and little influence on so much that is vital to their well-being. Children need others to speak for them, and they need decision makers who put their well-being ahead of selfish adult interests.”
                ~Elder Dallin H. Oaks “Protect the Children” October 2012 General Conference,

“Obedience brings blessings.”
~Elder Robert D. Hales “If Ye Love Me, Keep My Commandments” April 2014 General Conference,

“Obedience is taught by example. By how we live, we teach our children, “Learn wisdom in thy youth; yea, learn in thy youth to keep the commandments of God.”
~Elder Robert D. Hales “If Ye Love Me, Keep My Commandments” April 2014 General Conference,

“Brothers and sisters, because I know from my own experiences, and those of my husband, I must testify of the blessings of daily scripture study and prayer and weekly family home evening. These are the very practices that help take away stress, give direction to our lives, and add protection to our homes. Then, if pornography or other challenges do strike our families, we can petition the Lord for help and expect great guidance from the Spirit, knowing that we have done what our Father has asked us to do.”

            ~Sister Linda S. Reeves “Protection from Pornography-aChrist-Focused Home” April 2014 General Conference,

“Pure Christlike love flowing from true righteousness can change the world.”

~Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, “The Cost-and Blessings- of Discipleship” April 2014 General Conference,

            Quote on motherhood by Elder M. Russell Ballard.

|My Feelings|

My family is the most important thing to me. It is also something I worry about all the time. I am a worrier by nature but once I had kids is kicked it up a notch. It seems in today’s world everyone has an opinion on how kids should be raised and the best things for parents to do for their children. The problem with this advice is the advice and “expert knowledge” has a wide range so it’s hard to know who to listen to. Although, I find great comfort in knowing the advice and knowledge from the Apostles is sound and even more I have the Holy Ghost to help me know what is best for each child. I love that I have the Lord’s servants to turn to and their knowledge can be accessed at any time through the scriptures, Ensign, or I also know I can always approach my loving Heavenly Father at any time and can receive help.


“Families are central to God’s eternal plan. I testify of the great blessing of children and of the happiness they will bring us in this life and in the eternities.”
                ~Elder Neil A. Andersen, “Children”, October 2011 General Conference,

“He designated the purposes of marriage to go far beyond the personal satisfaction and fulfillment of adults to, more importantly, advancing the ideal setting for children to be born, reared, and nurtured. Families are the treasure of heaven.”
                ~Elder Neil A. Andersen, “Spiritual Whirlwinds”, April 2014 General Conference,

“The way you feel in the temple is a pattern for how you want to feel in your life.”
                ~Elder Neil A. Andersen, “Spiritual Whirlwinds”, April 2014 General Conference,

“We do not diminish the value of what women or men achieve in any worthy endeavor or career—we all benefit from those achievements—but we still recognize there is not a higher good than motherhood and fatherhood in marriage. There is no superior career, and no amount of money, authority, or public acclaim can exceed the ultimate rewards of family. Whatever else a woman may accomplish, her moral influence is no more optimally employed than here.”
~Elder D. Todd Christofferson, “The Moral Force of Women” October 2013 General Conference,

“Former Young Women general president Margaret D. Nadauld taught: “The world has enough women who are tough; we need women who are tender. There are enough women who are coarse; we need women who are kind. There are enough women who are rude; we need women who are refined. We have enough women of fame and fortune; we need more women of faith. We have enough greed; we need more goodness. We have enough vanity; we need more virtue. We have enough popularity; we need more purity.” In blurring feminine and masculine differences, we lose the distinct, complementary gifts of women and men that together produce a greater whole.”
~Elder D. Todd Christofferson, “The Moral Force of Women” October 2013 General Conference,

“Sisters, of all your associations, it is your relationship with God, your Heavenly Father, who is the source of your moral power, that you must always put first in your life.”
~Elder D. Todd Christofferson, “The Moral Force of Women” October 2013 General Conference,

“What we love determines what we seek.”
                ~Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf

“Many children would have had the blessing of being raised by both of their parents if only their parents had followed this inspired teaching in the family proclamation: “Husband and wife have a solemn responsibility to love and care for each other and for their children. … Parents have a sacred duty to rear their children in love and righteousness, to provide for their physical and spiritual needs, and to teach them to love and serve one another.”
                ~Elder Dallin H. Oaks “Protect the Children” October 2012 General Conference,

Where family meals are concerned, its not the food but the family interaction that nourishes the soul. 
~Elder Robert D. Hales “Our Duty to God: The Mission of Parents and Leaders to the Rising Generation” April 2010 General Conference,

“Christlike love is the greatest need we have on this planet in part because righteousness was always supposed to accompany it.”

Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, “The Cost-and Blessings- of Discipleship” April 2014 General Conference,
                                 LDS Handouts: Family Quote

|My Feelings|
I love my family! I love being a mother and wife. I know when I am keeping the commandments and doing what is asked of me I will be happy on earth but also enjoy the eternal blessings. I want to spend eternity with my family. If I want to make sure we all make it there I need to be a good example, do the small and simple things daily, teach my children, and always be improving myself. I love the power of prayer and the ability I have to repent and start over daily. I know Heavenly Father put us together for a reason and I want to make sure I am doing my part!

Tuesday, July 22, 2014


“Self-mastery builds a strong conscience. And your conscience determines your moral responses in difficult, tempting, and trying situations.” 
                ~Elder Russell M. Nelson “Decisions for Eternity”, (October 2013 General Conference),

“We also can be in the world but not of the world as we reject false concepts and false teachings and remain true to that which God has commanded.”
~Neil A. Andersen, “Spiritual Whirlwinds”, April 2014 General Conference, quoting President Monson,

“Obedience makes us progressively stronger, capable of faithfully enduring tests and trials in the future.”
~Elder Robert D. Hales “If Ye Love Me, Keep My Commandments” April 2014 General Conference,
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“But if you listen to these things, as if from the mouth of the Lord Himself, … ‘the gates of hell shall not prevail against you … and the Lord God will disperse the powers of darkness from before you.’”
~Neil A. Andersen, “Spiritual Whirlwinds”, April 2014 General Conference, quoting President Harold B. Lee,

“Sisters, of all your associations, it is your relationship with God, your Heavenly Father, who is the source of your moral power, that you must always put first in your life.”
~Elder D. Todd Christofferson “The Moral Force of Women”, October 2013 General Conference,
"Our destiny is not determined by the number of times we stumble, but by the number of times we stand up, dust ourselves off, and stride forward." Dieter F. Uchtdorf, October 2013 LDS General Conference

“Our destiny is not determined by the number of times we stumble but by the number of times we stand up, dust ourselves off and strive forward.”
                ~Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf “You Can Do It Now” October 2013 General Conference,

 “Do not become so absorbed with trivial things that you miss learning the doctrine and teachings of the Lord.”
                ~Elder Richard G. Scott “I Have Given You an Example ” April 2014 General Conference,
"Shall I falter, or shall I finish?" -Thomas S. Monson

“Shall I falter or shall I finish?”
                ~President Thomas S. Monson “I will not fail thee or forsake thee” October 2013 General Conference,

“A strong human spirit with control over appetites of the flesh is master over emotions and passions and not a slave to them. That kind of freedom is as vital to the spirit as oxygen is to the body! Freedom from self-slavery is true liberation!”
                ~Elder Russell M. Nelson “Decisions for Eternity”, (October 2013 General Conference),

“Courage, not compromise, brings the smile of God’s approval.”
~Elder Russell M. Nelson, “Let your faith Show”, quoting Pres. Monson, April 2014 General Conference,

|My Feelings|

The church follows the pattern of line upon line, precept upon precept. I believe further light and truth cannot be given until this concept has been grasped. So much rides on the ability to control ones appetites. This is one area I want to work on in my life so I can improve myself and my family’s life. These quotes helped me realize how much is truly impacted with self-discipline. You are more in control of your emotions and passions (mine being chocolate and peanut butter-a delicious but deadly combination), stronger conscience, moral power, more obedient, more faithful, and closer to God. I want to work on self-mastery in my life. Not only will I fit back in my pre-baby clothes but I will be closer to Heavenly Father and on the right path to make it back to Him.


“There is, of course, a powerful force that will subdue the whirlwinds of sin. It is called repentance.”
                ~Elder Neil A. Andersen “Spiritual Whirlwinds”, General Conference April 2014

“In the words of Elder Neal A. Maxwell: “Christ’s victory over death ended the human predicament. Now there are only personal predicaments, and from these too we may be rescued by following the teachings of him who rescued us from general extinction.”
~Elder D. Todd Christofferson “The Resurrection of Jesus Christ”, April 2014 General Conference,

“Likewise, besides being a “perfect, just God,” He is a perfect, merciful God. Thus, the Savior makes all things right. No injustice in mortality is permanent, even death, for He restores life again. No injury, disability, betrayal, or abuse goes uncompensated in the end because of His ultimate justice and mercy.”
~Elder D. Todd Christofferson “The Resurrection of Jesus Christ”, April 2014 General Conference,

“It is one thing to know that Jesus Christ came to the earth to die for us. But we also need to appreciate that the Lord desires, through His Atonement and by the power of the Holy Ghost, to enliven us—not only to guide but also to strengthen and heal us.”
~Elder David A. Bednar April 2014 Conference “Bear UpTheir Burdens With Ease”,

“Not only does the Atonement of Jesus Christ overcome the effects of the Fall of Adam and make possible the remission of our individual sins and transgressions, but His Atonement also enables us to do good and become better in ways that stretch far beyond our mortal capacities. Most of us know that when we do things wrong and need help to overcome the effects of sin in our lives, the Savior has made it possible for us to become clean through His redeeming power. But do we also understand that the Atonement is for faithful men and women who are obedient, worthy, and conscientious and who are striving to become better and serve more faithfully? I wonder if we fail to fully acknowledge this strengthening aspect of the Atonement in our lives and mistakenly believe we must carry our load all alone—through sheer grit, willpower, and discipline and with our obviously limited capacities.”
                ~Elder David A. Bednar April 2014 Conference “Bear UpTheir Burdens With Ease”,

"My dear brothers and sisters, there will be days and nights when you feel overwhelmed, when your hearts are heavy and your heads hang down.  Then, please remember, Jesus Christ, the Redeemer, is the head of this church.  It is His gospel.  He wants you to succeed.  He gave His life for just this purpose."  --Dieter F. Uchtdorf

“The Atonement of Jesus Christ makes possible our becoming more like our Father in Heaven so that we can live together eternally in our family units.”
                ~Elder Richard G. Scott “I Have Given You an Example ” April 2014 General Conference,

“The Lord’s way is the only way for us to experience enduring happiness.”
                ~Elder Russell M. Nelson “Let Your Faith Show” April 2014 General Conference,

“Not only does the Atonement of Jesus Christ overcome the effects of the Fall of Adam and make possible the remission of our individual sins and transgressions, but His Atonement also enables us to do good and become better in ways that stretch far beyond our mortal capacities.”
                 ~Elder David A. Bednar “Bear Up Their Burdens with Ease” April 2014 General Conference

“Through the Savior’s Atonement we can receive capacity and strength beyond your own.”
                ~Elder David A. Bednar “Bear Up Their Burdens with Ease” April 2014 General Conference

“By the same token, we are all accountable to Him for our lives, our choices, and our actions, even our thoughts. Because He redeemed us from the Fall, our lives are in reality His.”
~Elder D. Todd Christofferson “The Resurrection of Jesus Christ”, April 2014 General Conference,

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|My Feelings|
I am grateful for second chances and for living prophets today who can touch my heart and help me understand the gospel at a deeper level. I especially love the quote from Elder Christofferson. I need to always remember everything I have been given is from Him. I am in debt to Him and will not be able to repay that debt, but I can show Him my gratitude for it through my actions, words, and deeds.


“As you pray for forgiveness, you will find yourself forgiving others. As you thank God for His kindness, you will think of others, by name, who need your kindness. Again, that experience will surprise you every day, and over time it will change you.”
                ~Elder Henry B. Eyring “The Priesthood Man” April 2014 General Conference,

“The grace of Christ is real, affording both forgiveness and cleansing to the repentant sinner.”
~Elder D. Todd Christofferson “The Resurrection of Jesus Christ”, April 2014 General Conference,

“Remember, heaven is filled with those who have this in common: They are forgiven. And they forgive.”
                ~Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf “The Merciful Obtain Mercy” April 2012 General Conference,

“If we could look into each other’s hearts and understand the unique challenges each of us faces, I think we would treat each other much more gently, with more love, patience, tolerance, and care.”
                ~Marvin J. Ashton”The Tongue Can Be a Sharp Sword” April 1992 General Conference,


“As Alexander Pope wrote, ‘To err is human; to forgive, divine’.”
~President Thomas S. Monson, quoting Alexander Pope “An Essay on Criticism” (1711), part 2, line 525.

“Where do hidden wedges originate? Some come from unresolved disputes which lead to ill feelings, followed by remorse and regret. Others find their beginnings in disappointments, jealousies, arguments, and imagined hurts. We must solve them—lay them to rest and not leave them to canker, fester, and ultimately destroy.”
~President Thomas S. Monson “The Peril of Hidden Wedges” July 2007 Ensign,

“Let us be kind.
Let us forgive.
Let the love of God fill our hearts.
Let us do good unto all men. The Savior promised: “Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over. … For with the same measure that [you use] it shall be measured to you again.” Shouldn’t this promise be enough to always focus our efforts on acts of kindness, forgiveness, and charity instead of on any negative behavior?”
                ~Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf “The Merciful Obtain Mercy” April 2012 General Conference,

“May we ever be exemplary in our homes and faithful in keeping all of the commandments that we may harbor no hidden wedges but rather remember the Savior’s admonition: ‘By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another’.”
                ~President Thomas S. Monson “The Peril of Hidden Wedges” July 2007 Ensign,

“The fruit of true repentance is forgiveness, which opens the door to receive all of the covenants and ordinances provided on this earth and to enjoy the resulting blessings.”
                ~Elder Richard G. Scott “Finding Forgiveness” April 1995 General Conference,

“Full obedience brings the complete power of the gospel into your life with strength to focus on the abandonment of specific sins. It includes things you might not initially consider part of repentance, such as attending meetings, paying tithing, giving service, and forgiving others. The Lord said: ‘He that repents and does the commandments of the Lord shall be forgiven.’”
                ~Elder Richard G. Scott “Finding Forgiveness” April 1995 General Conference,

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|My feelings|

There are times it is hard to let go of past hurts but these quotes not only give me hope of being able to heal old wounds but also hands me the tools to make it happen. I love the quote from Elder Eyring. If I am doing what I need to and am asking for forgiveness from a loving Heavenly Father, I will find it easier to forgive myself and others. Satan wants to drive wedges, especially in families. If we can overcome this and give others a little more grace, we would be doing well. I loved a comment I once heard from a woman who had been married for 50 years. She said her and her husband lived by this motto: If I am hurt or angered by something you said then I have misunderstood you, for I know you would never do anything to hurt me intentionally. 


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“The devil has no power over us only as we permit him; the moment we revolt at anything which comes from God, the devil takes power.”
~Elder James E. Faust “Serving the Lord and Resisting the Devil” Ensign September 1995,

“How do you prepare for your whirlwinds? “Remember … it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the Son of God, that ye must build your foundation; that when the devil shall send forth his mighty winds, … his shafts in the whirlwind, … when all his hail and his mighty storm shall beat upon you, it shall have no power … to drag you down … because of the rock upon which ye are built.” This is your safety in the whirlwind.”
                ~Elder Neil A. Andersen “Spiritual Whirlwinds”, General Conference April 2014,

“President Harold B. Lee said: “The only safety we have as members of this church is to … learn to give heed to the words and commandments that the Lord shall give through His prophet.” 
                ~Elder Neil A. Andersen “Spiritual Whirlwinds”, General Conference April 2014,

“Given the reality of the Resurrection of Christ, repentance of any violation of His law and commandments is both possible and urgent.”
~Elder D. Todd Christofferson “The Resurrection of Jesus Christ”, April 2014 General Conference,

“If, in the end you have not chosen Jesus Christ, it will not matter what you have chosen. “
               ~ Elder Neal A. Maxwell “Response to a Call” April 1974 General Conference,

“Communication with our Father in Heaven is not a trivial matter. It is a sacred privilege. It is based upon eternal, unchanging principles. We receive help from our Father in Heaven in response to our faith, obedience, and the proper use of agency.”
~Elder Richard G. Scott “How to Obtain Revelation and Inspiration in Your Personal Life” April 2012 General Conference,

“Keeping divine commandments brings blessings, every time! Breaking divine commandments brings a loss of blessings every time!”
               ~ Elder Russell M. Nelson “Let Your Faith Show” April 2014 General Conference,

“Decisions determine destiny.”
~Thomas S. Monson, “Decisions Determine Destiny” Church Educational System fireside, Nov. 6, 2005,

“We will each have a personal interview with Jesus Christ. We will account for decisions that we made about our bodies, our spiritual attributes, and how we honored God’s pattern for marriage and family.”
               ~ Elder Russell M. Nelson “Let Your Faith Show” April 2014 General Conference,

“Be careful who you follow!”
~Elder Robert D. Hales “If Ye Love Me, Keep My Commandments” April 2014 General Conference,

“Using our agency to obey means choosing to “do what is right and letting the consequence follow.” It requires self-mastery and brings confidence, eternal happiness, and a sense of fulfillment.”
~Elder Robert D. Hales “If Ye Love Me, Keep My Commandments” April 2014 General Conference,


|My Feelings|
It is wonderful to know the more I choose the right and the good, the easier it gets. It makes the road back to Heavenly Father that much easier. It will be a hard road but I can make it easier on myself by making those small but significant day to day “right” choices. As I do this I will be a good example to my children and I will grow spiritually. I also need to remember this works in reverse as well. When I make a poor choice, it will be a little bit easier to make that same poor choice again and again if I don’t break the cycle.


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Neal A. Maxwell ”The Holy Ghost: Glorifying Christ” July 2002 Ensign 

“Let us humbly and prayerfully seek to understand and accept God’s commandments, reverently listening for the voice of His Holy Spirit.”
                ~Elder Neil A. Andersen, “Children”, October 2011 General Conference,

“Changes in the civil law do not, indeed cannot, change the moral law that God has established. God expects us to uphold and keep His commandments regardless of divergent opinions or trends in society.”
                ~Elder Neil A. Andersen, “Spiritual Whirlwinds”, April 2014 General Conference,

“Challenges will come to you, but as you trust in God, they will strengthen your faith.”
                ~Elder Neil A. Andersen, “Spiritual Whirlwinds”, April 2014 General Conference,

“Physical death will be temporary, and even spiritual death has an end, in that all come back into the presence of God, at least temporarily, to be judged. We can have ultimate trust and confidence in His power to overcome all else and grant us everlasting life.”
~Elder D. Todd Christofferson, “The Resurrections of Jesus Christ”, April 2014 General Conference,

“President Hunter explained it this way: “I would like to say something to you that I consider to be very important. Throughout your life, you will be faced with many choices. How well you select among the alternatives will determine your success and happiness in life. Some of the decisions you will make will be absolutely critical and can affect the entire course of your life. Please measure those alternatives against the teachings of Jesus Christ.” To be able to do that you must know and understand his teachings. As you exercise faith and live worthy of inspiration, you will be directed in the important choices you make.”
            ~Elder Richard G. Scott “Removing Barriers to Happiness” April 1998 General Conference

“There are lives to brighten, there are hearts to touch, there are souls to save.”
                ~President Thomas S. Monson “True Shepherds” October 2013 General Conference 

“By becoming the answers to someone’s prayer, we often find the answers to our own.”
~Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf “Waiting on the Road to Damascus” April 2011 General   Conference,

“It is important that our daily activities do not distract us from listening to the Spirit.”
~Elder Richard G. Scott “How to Obtain Revelation and Inspiration in Your Personal Life” April 2012 General Conference,

“Humility is a fertile soil where spirituality grows and produces the fruit of inspiration to know what to do.”
~Elder Richard G. Scott “How to Obtain Revelation and Inspiration in Your Personal Life” April 2012 General Conference,

 “We can gain great knowledge from the scriptures and obtain inspiration through prayers of faith.”
                ~Elder Russell M. Nelson “Let Your Faith Show” April 2014 General Conference,
"Faith is the antidote for fear." - Elder Russel M. Nelson #ldsconf #lds #faith
Elder Russell M. Nelson “Let Your Faith Show” April 2014 General Conference,

|My Feelings|
I am grateful for my knowledge that I can pray to my Heavenly Father to ask for help or comfort and know that His is always listening. I know He answers prayers and I can receive an answer through other people. If I am doing what is asked of me, I can be guided to help those in need as well. This can only happen if I am living worthy of the spirit, for without the Holy Ghost I cannot receive revelation. I have learned that I need to take charge of my daily activities so I can always have the ability to be worthy of, listen to, and learn from the spirit.